Saturday, 31 August 2013

Backpacks on and ready to go!

Thanks to Mario for putting us up for a night and for taking this pic - slightly blurred, but that's been much like the last 2 weeks!  Thanks also to everyone else who has looked after us as we've whizzed around the country for the last 2 weeks (you know who you are, so we won't embarrass you by listing your names here).

Anyway it seems like everything is finally in order (house let, car sold, P45 in hand) and we will be on that EuroStar train for Cologne (Koln) on Monday morning.

PS - yes that backpack really is bigger than Sue!

Friday, 30 August 2013

The Tamworth Two depart on 2nd September - 1st stop Cologne

We welcome you to this our travel page,
Come here to follow us from stage-to-stage,
From Kentish Downs to Southern Alps and back,
O'er sea and lake and road and railway track,
We will not leave the ground 'til Singapore,
Then one short hop by air to Aussie shore,
And on this page we'll strive with you to share,
The heady winds of freedom in our hair,
We pray forgiveness for deserting you,
But joy and love and passion must renew,
We will return with energies restored,
And meantime hope our tales strike a chord,
So please, dear friends, we ask that you draw near,
Though miles apart we'll share our stories here.