Sunday, 8 September 2013

From Hamburgers to Danish Pastries...

 Mindful of the Danes famous love of bacon, the Tamworth Two cautiously boarded the ICE train from Hamburg to Copenhagen on Thursday morning.  If only they had realised that even greater challenges were to await them on the journey.  The following extract is repeated from Sue's notebook on the journey:

''What does a loving mother do for her toddlers on a five hour train journey? Replenish them with regular drinks and snacks, of course. Super-sized, lurid-coloured fizzy 'pop' and monster bags of sweets. Then battle with her screaming, writhing, hyperactive progeny, as the artificial additives crash through their blood-brain-barriers and scramble their little minds. A delight for fellow passengers - especially us, with our front row seats. Thank Crunchie for iPOD and our new dual headphone adaptor (thank you CFC!). Saved our bacon!"

This apart, the journey went smoothly with the added interest of the train boarding a ferry to cross into Denmark, leaving us to disembark and take some sea air for an hour - a first for both of us.

Copenhagen also surprised us both with it's spacious boulevards, grand architecture and relaxed atmosphere.  We were even taken with the subtle melancholia of the 'little' mermaid, though we had been told it was bound to disappoint.  The one spoiler was our 'bijou' hotel room, which was so small they could barely squeeze our bunk beds in!

Oh - and yes we did manage to partake of some 'Danish Pastries', but just to confuse matters, they call them Wienerbrod here, which we understand translates as 'Viennese Bread' - heaven knows what they're called in Austria! 

Andy, perfectly camouflaged with his train seat, observes the Danish countryside en route from Hamburg to Copenhagen.
After upgrading from the world's smallest hotel room, we got.... the world's second smallest hotel room!
Nyhaven - cool (though expensive) place to watch the world go by in Copenhagen

Copenhagen's famously whistful mermaid (don't be fooled by the camera trickery though - she was anything but alone!)

1 comment:

  1. Upgrading to the world's second smallest hotel room! Genius!
